Small scale RE systems exempted from generation license

Islamabad: Cabinet committee on energy (CCoE) on Friday approved exemption of generation license for small-scale RE-based systems up to 25 kW for net metering.

CCoE approved the proposal of the Power Division for eliminating the need for generation licenses for small-scale RE-based systems (upto 25 kW) for net metering.

The measure will greatly facilitate consumers who wish to install small-scale solar systems for their homes and businesses and avail the facility of net metering.

The Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCOE) held a meeting under the Chairmanship of the Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar here in Islamabad on Friday.

Petroleum Division presented the Draft Pakistan Oil Refinery Policy 2021 for approval of CCoE. The proposed policy was discussed in detail.

Petroleum Division submitted that the purpose of the policy was to attract investment in new deep conversion refineries as well as for up-gradation of existing refineries.
Members of the committee made a number of suggestions on the draft policy. It was decided that Petroleum Division would deliberate on the suggestions and re-submit the draft policy for consideration of CCoE in its next meeting.

Petroleum Division presented an update to CCoE on Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Project. The update included details of Head of Shareholders Agreement Terms, Funding Arrangements, Completion of Technical Studies, and Regulatory Approvals.

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